
Winning Stroke: Interview with Kartik Mandaville, SpringRole, CEO & Founder,

"Get Busy Living, Get Busy Doing"- shawshank redemption


Q- If not in the current profession, you would be?

Probably an IAS officer working for the betterment of the country

Q- One tune you always hum?

Not a big fan of music

Q- One book to read when you want to motivate yourself?

Steve Jobs

Q- One dialogue of a movie that motivates you or you like the most?

Get Busy Living, Get Busy Doing, from shawshank redemption

Q - The place you never been to and always want to go to?

Great barrier reef - Australia

Q- An animal that signifies you & why?

Elephant – strong and steady

Q- A movie character you most resemble or resonate with?


Q- Choose one from each below:

o Marvel or DC - Marvel

o Batman or Superman - Batman

o Tom or Jerry - Tom

oChachaChaudhary or Super Command oDhruv—Super Commando Dhruv

Q- If your life was to be turned into a movie who would you like to play your part as which character?

Documentary ... Ctrl+Alt+Compete documents young tech-entrepreneurs seeking to solve problems and change the world, featuring Nolan Bushnell (Atari).

Q- Luck or hard work, what do you think weighs more in defining a successful person?

Hard work

Q- One best decision you have ever made?

Going to Carnegie Mellon for my masters

Q- A strategy that you always use to take your decisions in personal or professional life?

Write down the decision and sleep over it.

Q- Whose advice you seek when in dilemma?

Mike Jones and family

Q- What has been your biggest achievement?

Achieve profitability in SpringRole through our product

Q- One thing that you want to change in yourself?

Get into fine arts – acting, dancing

Q- A line said by your closed one that you never forget?

Don’t have regrets but rather think about what can you do now? (by my brother)

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